Senin, 20 Mei 2013

VTC WordPress Blogging Training

Here is All
Yout Need To Know
 Tutorial Wordpress dari VTC Berikut akan mengupas segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan blog, mengajarkan kepada Trainer cara membagun blog yang baik beserta Teknik dan trik - trik yang harus di ketahui oleh para bloger.
Langsung aja Cek Tkp Gan :

  WordPress Blogging Tutorials

Get up to speed on the premiere blogging platform, WordPress. In this course, youÕll learn the skills and techniques needed to effectively install, run, and maintain a WordPress blog. YouÕll discover an array of options for creating, editing, customizing, and publishing posts and static pages. YouÕll learn how to create lists of links and maintain a blogroll as well as how to view, moderate, and manage comments. YouÕll then delve into customizing your blog before going even further with widgets and WordPress plugins. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.
                Course Overview                            
             Understanding WordPress                       
                What is a Blog?                            
                What is WordPress?                         
                How a Blog Functions                       
                Setting Up a Free Blog on    
                Activating Your Blog         
                Setting Up a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog    
             Touring the WordPress Interface               
                Viewing the Dashboard pt. 1                
                Viewing the Dashboard pt. 2                
                Customizing the Dashboard                  
                Viewing the Posts Category                 
                Opening the Media Library                  
                Exploring the Links Category               
                Viewing Pages                              
                A Look at Comments                         
                Displaying the Appearance pt. 1            
                Displaying the Appearance pt. 2            
                Viewing the WordPress Editor               
                Viewing Installed Plugins                  
                Exploring Users and Tools                  
             Creating Posts                                
                Writing a Post in the Visual Editor        
                Saving Drafts and Previewing Posts         
                Formatting a Post pt. 1                    
                Formatting a Post pt. 2                    
                Inserting Hyperlinks                       
                Editing Hyperlinks                         
                Using the Kitchen Sink Toolbar             
                Setting Publishing Options                 
                Publishing Your Post                       
                Understanding Excerpts                     
                Understanding Trackbacks and Pingbacks     
             Additional Posting Techniques                 
                Editing Published Posts                    
                Adding a More Link to a Post               
                Touring the HTML Editor                    
                Using the HTML Editor for Posts            
                Editing HTML Posts                         
                Adjusting Writing Settings                 
                Password Protecting a Post                 
                Removing a Password                        
             Adding Media to Posts                         
                Setting Media Options                      
                Inserting Images into Posts                
                Setting Image Options                      
                Editing Inserted Images                    
                Image Editing Options pt. 1                
                Image Editing Options pt. 2                
                Image Editor                               
                Including an Image from a URL              
                Adding Images to the Media Library         
                Inserting Images from the Library          
                Adding Video pt. 1                         
                Adding Video pt. 2                         
                Auto-Embedding Video                       
                Adding Audio Files                         
                Inserting Other Types of Media             
                Managing Your Media                        
             Working with Categories and Tags              
                Getting Started with Categories            
                Creating a New Category                    
                Applying a Category to a Post              
                Another Way to Create New Categories       
                Determining a Category RSS URL             
                Creating Parent Categories                 
                Setting the Default Category               
                Applying Tags to Posts                     
             Working with Pages                            
                Understanding Pages Versus Posts           
                Editing the About Page                     
                Creating New Pages                         
                Controlling Page Order                     
                Using Page Templates                       
             Creating and Managing a Blogroll              
                Getting Started with the Blogroll          
                Adding Links to the Blogroll               
                Editing Links                              
                Creating Link Categories              
                Adding Additional Links               
             Viewing Comments and Adding Users        
                Viewing Comments                      
                Admin Comment Display                 
                Moderating Comments                   
                Setting Discussion Options            
                Adding Additional Users               
             Getting Started with Blog Customization  
                Editing Your Profile                  
                General Options and Privacy Settings  
                Changing Reading Settings             
                Setting Permalinks                    
                Customizing Permalinks                
                Changing Your Theme                   
                Exploring More Themes                 
                WordPress Theme Directory             
             Working with Widgets                     
                Understanding Widgets                 
                Adding Widgets                        
                Going Further with Widgets pt. 1      
                Going Further with Widgets pt. 2      
                Creating a Custom Widget              
             Working with Plugins                     
                Understanding Plugins pt. 1           
                Understanding Plugins pt. 2           
                Exploring New Plugins                 
                Installing Plugins                    
                Wrap Up

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